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This graph shows the total number of tardigrades found in each sample in relation to the amount of particulate matter in the area where the sample was found. The line of best fit of the scatter plot has a negative slope, this reveals that as the PM in the area increases, less tardigrades are found in each sample.
This graph compares the pH of tree bark with the average amount of particulate matter in the area in which the samples of lichen and bark were found. As the pH increases (becomes more alkaline) the average PM of the area increases (more polluted). This relationship shows that as the average amount of particulate matter in the area increases, the pH of the tree bark increases. However, based on the graph there is not a large difference in PM with pH values of 6 and 6.5.
This bar chart shows that relationship between the pH of the tree bark and the average of the total number of tardigrades for each pH level. This graph shows that the bark with the highest pH of 7 (most alkaline) contain the least amount of tardigrades on average. However, there are more tardigrades found in lichen on bark with a pH of 6.5 than bark with a pH of 6.
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